Episode 007: Lutze Segu
Lutze Segu first-generation Haitian-American who was born and raised in Miami, FL the ancestral and traditional lands of the Seminole, Miccosukee, and Tequesta nations.
A strong believer in the power of empathy in her battle against society’s bias around classism, racism, poverty, mental health, childhood trauma and other structural and systemic issues that push people into the margins of our society and render them invisible. Lutze was the architect of the #FemmeAgenda a feminist agenda and platform created to address the feminization of poverty in South Florida through a reproductive justice and intersectional lens. Lutze has also organised youth on the issue of Comprehensive Sexual Education. She is also the founding member of the #BlackGirlsMatter Collective in Miami.
Learn more about Lutze’s work:
Please note - We had a few technical difficulties, however, I hope this doesn’t affect your listening experience too much.